5 things to do to be liked by others

Improving your relationships with other people takes time. But do you know what to do? Basically, it's about encouraging people to talk about their accomplishments and their lives. Just make them feel more important.

Don’t criticize people. Instead, give them some sincere compliments. You don’t even need to be an expert, just being honest is often enough. You can also deploy the following five methods.



Give others your full attention when they’re talking. They'll feel that what they are saying is important to you, and will consider you more valuable and respect you more.

So listen like you are genuinely interested and ask questions. Do you want to be interesting? Then be interested, because charming people are.


When you meet someone, you need to accept him or her. Express genuine and unconditional acceptance of the person. By doing so, you raise their self-esteem and he or she will feel relaxed when they're with you.


Appreciation makes us feel more valuable and confident. Use the tremendous power your gratitude gives you. You should adopt an attitude of gratitude, advises the addicted2success.com website.


Praise others every chance you get. Show them that you genuinely mean it and that they are the reason for your enthusiasm. Approval is something many people lack, so offer it to them.


To be charming, don’t be too lazy to smile genuinely and openly. Others feel valuable and worthwhile when someone smiles at them. A smile says that you're glad to see them.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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