What's the secret of the good boss?

“My boss is great.” That's a sentence we don't hear very often, but it can happen sometimes. What's the secret of success for those who are lucky enough that their employees say this about them?



The basic trait of a quality boss is primarily the ability to actually lead. It sounds trivial and automatic, but too many people on a management level still fail to direct and motivate their people properly.

Common problems are undefined rules, inability to communicate, lack of a common goal and direction, as well as sudden and frequent changes in plans and agenda.

This all leads to the fact that many bosses induce uncertainty and confusion rather than making their employees self-confident and motivated.


A quality boss knows how to pick their employees and then trust them. This is why they give them enough space for their own initiatives and actions, and don't bind them with too many strict rules. They also listen to their employees' opinions.

If you can't trust your subordinates, it's your problem, because that means that either the rules aren't set correctly or that workers have been chosen poorly.


Many managers are so busy monitoring their employees' mistakes and mishaps that they have no capacity left for praising anybody. But praise from a boss is a surprisingly effective method of motivating employees to give their best performance.

Don't underestimate the power of words of praise and don't forget that we all like being complimented for good work. If you don't pay enough attention to praise, your workers might grow frustrated and unhappy.


Article source Call Centre Helper - British weekly online call centre magazine
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