Motivation for the times when you feel like doing nothing at work

We would all be happy if we were always positive, motivated, and if we were always interested in our jobs. However, the truth is that most of us occasionally face a time when we could use a little bit of motivation.

And because no one will do that for us, we have to take motivation into our own hands. This is why we're bringing you some thoughts that will be helpful, especially when you lack motivation to work.


This useful list of motivational quotes has been published by the HubSpot company blog.

"Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." - Stephen King

 When you don't want to do anything and you are failing to get motivated, it's important not to end up doing no work at all. It can happen that due to self-reproach and unfinished tasks, you feel more powerless and demotivated than before.

Simply say to yourself that there are things that must be done, perk yourself up, and get to work, even if you just do it robotically at first. After awhile, the work will suck you in and engage you.

„Luck does not come to you by itself.“

Unfortunately, if you sit and wait doing nothing, luck won't come to you. Success doesn't just appear out of nothing. Even those who look like they happened be lucky usually must have fought hard for their place in the world.

Be the master of your own life and the operator of your luck, and do something to reach success.

„There will never be a better time than now.“

Don't postpone tasks just because you think that there will be a better and more suitable time to do them. The sooner you start, the better, because the perfect moment is now.

„The unsuccessful seek problems and excuses, the successful seek solutions.“

Looking for excuses and problems will not get you anywhere. Try to switch to positive thinking and look for ways, possibilities and solutions rather than pretexts. This is done by people who eventually don't succeed in anything.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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