Training, training, training

Do you want to get promoted? You should consider getting more training.

Research conducted by Wyzant (an online network of tutors) and (a business in the recruiting field), suggests that – at least in the US – almost 50 % of employees are stuck in their career because they don’t have enough skills or certifications.

For you to grow in your corporate environment, it's probably advisable to sign up for additional training


At least in the US, roughly 70 % of workers had to successfully complete training in order to move to a better position or to keep their current one, according to the website.

A similar percentage of employees firmly believes that to climb higher in the corporate ladder, they will first need to acquire new skills or certifications in the future. Nine hundred employees were surveyed in the US.

It is about money – but not exclusively

More than 50 % of respondents confirmed that the key motivation for further training and skills development is money. The study also claims that over 20 % of employees are positive that their salary would increase considerably should they undergo more training.

However, 40 % of respondents claimed that they want training or new certifications just because they want to learn. So we can conclude that – at least for some – self-motivation is still an important trigger. Approximately one-third of respondents claim that additional training would help them to create a better life for their families, have a better CV and be rewarded with better work benefits.

Employees simply must learn to catch up with changes – and to move forward. With the future being characterized by even more rapid changes, we all must continually work on acquiring new skills and honing of the ones we already have. And that surely applies for us in Europe, too.


Article source Business News Daily - website focused on new entrepreneurs
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