Increase employee engagement right from the beginning

Employee engagement begins with your employee's experience during the hiring process. From onboarding to annual recognition ceremonies, you need to understand how to engage your employees.

Do you want to know how to make your people more engaged? Let's focus on how it should be.


First impressions are crucial - make sure it's positive

You should try to articulate your company culture as soon as you begin hiring a candidate. Did you set up a site visit? One of your employees who is currently working in the same position you're  hiring the candidate for should spend some time with them. Employee expectations are at stake.

Managers who are talking with candidates should also bear in mind that they need to emphasize the company's values, its mission and vision. When interactions during the onboarding process are positive, new employees will be much more likely to stay with your company. The effects of a well-structured onboarding experience can even be seen three years later, according to an article on the website.

Engagement surveys are important

How can you engage your employees? You just need to ask them. Take advantage of engagement surveys and uncover insights into making improvements in your company. The trouble is that employees may be afraid to speak out, and those who are particularly unengaged won't tell you what they think.

So, maybe try finding out how they feel. However, make sure that you're willing to tackle the issues that will be uncovered. If employees see that there are real solutions, they will be much more likely to be engaged and willing to stay and help the company grow.

Employee recognition

Recognition is used – at least in top companies – as a way for managers give both formal and informal feedback to their subordinates.

Informal recognition often happens every day. Positive email feedback or personal congratulations from the CEO can do wonders. Formal recognition includes annual awards with ceremonies and performance reviews.


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