Team for the future: harmony and diversity at once?

In order to gain excellent and inspirational people for your team, you need to emphasise certain features of your organisation and workplace.

To spark creativity in your colleagues, you need to be a creative leader. Allow yourself and your team to think outside the box. Set up an environment that will encourage people to think in new ways.


As the website reminds us, it is all about people.

True diversity

You should try to hire people with different passions. Aim for colleagues from different backgrounds, nationalities and cultures. Your team simply needs people who have been exposed to different ways of thinking. This affects the way people will deal with a variety of situations.

People who view the world differently can argue for different approaches to solving problems and thus there will be a spark for a high level of creativity. Such a flow of energy can then really revolutionise both your team and your company. Celebrate and embrace people who have different views. It will add incomparable value to your efforts. A diverse environment is healthy.


If you already have a diverse team, you also need to make sure your staff are aligned and able to cooperate well. Members of your team must know how to work with one another and also what the company’s visions, values and goals are.

The first three weeks with a new team member are vital. If after this time span you and your colleagues aren’t completely convinced that the newbie should belong to the team (or the newbie her-/himself feels this way), make a decision not to continue the relationship.

That is not to say that you shouldn’t encourage critical thinking and different perspectives on the same values: after all, that is precisely the reason for diversity.


Article source BusinessCollective - a US website for entrepreneurs
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