Your new idea is not liked? Pitch well and overcome the resistance

Especially in the field of movies and the TV industry, but also in all other highly commercial sectors, it usually starts with an urge to create something new and fresh. And therefore you have come up with a new, fresh idea.

Then, however, people will start removing precisely the new and bold elements of that idea, so that in the end nothing good in it remains. Why does this keep happening and what can you do to push your idea through?


Why do people play it safe?

Simply they fear the idea will be a failure. And they would be blamed for it. Or they don’t believe that the idea is good enough because if it was, somebody else would have already used it. Or they have the impression that people wouldn’t understand it.

So, how to deal with all these objections? Use the following strategies.

1) Go to the highest ranks

For your idea not to be modified at each level of approval, try to obtain approval from the person at the very top.

2) Find parallels

Articulate what connects your proposal with something that is already successful. Tell them about similar things that are working well. Compare your idea to what has succeeded in the past.

3) Involve other people

You need an early buy-in from other people. If someone proposes even just a minor modification, accept it and praise it. Make it sound like it is now your joint project.

4) Anticipate objections and be prepared

This will enable you to defuse certain objections simply by saying "Some people may mind that … ". By stating such objections yourself first, you may overturn them or at least reframe them.

5) Don't give up

If your idea did not receive the necessary approval, consider trying one of the above-mentioned tips so as to achieve a different result next time. That is why the website has offered these tips. Don’t be afraid to persuade others that your idea will be a hit.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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