The customer is not always right. What should you do?

Not only freelancers have to treat their clients well, businesses do too. If you have a trouble-making client who isn’t right, but won't admit it, don’t fall in the trap of saying “the customer is always right”. 


This may help you to avoid conflict, but it eventually makes you frustrated as well. Use the following four steps to defuse the situation, advises the website.

Four steps to handling any difficult client:

1. Point out your common goals

To defuse a difficult client situation, it's great to create a common goal. That shows that you're on the same team. So simply speak with the client and create common goals.

2. Make it clear that you have the best intentions

Disagreements do occur. Your client has become dissatisfied with the services you provide. When that happens, the client will assume that you probably don’t have his or her best interests at heart. Reassure them that everything you do is motivated by your effort to help. Your mutual rapport and relationship will be strengthened.

3. Offer a solution

Any stressful client will be satisfied when you find a solution to the problem. It should be tailored to the cause of the problem you are facing. Each situation is unique so you have to consider all the factors, but then there should be a clear solution. Most importantly, you need to put yourself in your client's shoes. That's the only way you'll understand what you need to do or change.

4. Apologize

OK, your client may not be right, but you should always take the blame, even when it's not your fault. If you're a professional, you will always take responsibility. It's important to apologize when the time is right. Then move on.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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