How to fix a dysfunctional business team

Everything does not always go well and this applies also to the formation of sales teams. It might sometimes happen that a team does not function properly, does not meet its goals and does not develop.

Reaching this state can be the result of a number of factors, from a poor system of recruitment to bad work with the team.

But if you end up in a situation where you must fix an ill-functioning sales team, you could use the following suggestions.


Why is your business team dysfunctional?

1. Ill-defined roles and structure of work

There is power in a system. According to the HubSpot blog, a frequent problem of business teams is everybody doing the best they can without the roles of individual members being defined or their areas specified.

But a definition of territories is necessary: it can be done based on either demographic and geographical factors, or according to business fields or types of leads. Organisation of work is also important: it needs to be structured, with clearly defined priorities and partial tasks.

2. Poor system of recruitment

The problem might be with the selection of team members. Define what the problems of the individual workers are and come up with a system of detecting these negative traits during the selection process. If necessary, redesign the whole system of recruitment.

Change the way of approaching new prospective workers and how you work with candidates. Attention should also be paid to training employees and their "setting up" at the very start of their employment. Nor should you underestimate subsequent work with them.

3. Little authority of employees

The long-term problem with many sales teams is the fact that the sales reps do not have the chance to realise bigger projects as they are not given sufficient competencies for their work.

Often it is the team manager who deals with the more interesting and bigger leads. It sometimes also happens that the boss takes over leads above a certain value, even though it was a regular team member who initiated the lead.

Give your employees enough authority, trust them and let them do their job, even if defined in a certain way. If you cannot trust your subordinates to such an extent, it is necessary to consider changing either the employees or the way you work with them.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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