Why extraverts suffer under Holacracy (2/2): Strike the right balance

Extraverts and introverts view problems, process information, and make decisions very differently. However, as Zappos eventually needed to found out, messiness itself is not a problem. It's only a problem only when it's unresolved.

Messiness is the first stage of the creative journey. In the previous article we saw how Zappos adopted a new management style, holacracy. Now let’s see what an unforeseen consequence can be – and what approach might be better.


Holacracy solves messiness… and limits creativity

Holacracy values rationality and order.  According to its rules, oOnly one person is allowed to speak at a time and the usual back and forth style of conversation that's natural to extraverts is not acceptable

It's about the cultivation of thoughtfulness. However, one of the unintended consequences of Holacracy is that it makes extraverts frustrated. They can't stand the rigidity of what seems to them as lifeless interactions.

Not Holacracy – find the right balance instead

Endless debate can make any progress difficult. In these cases, when you manage to stop endless debate and make meetings useful and effective, that can help. The balance of the styles of both the introverts and the extraverts must be found, according to an article on the management-issues.com website.

A meeting protocol can help to create a truly effective network-based management system which can eventually help you to align dispersed activities.

Especially at the beginning of a meeting, when initial information is being gathered, only one person can speak at a time. Then, at other times, participants can discuss issues in small groups, focused on a task.

Sometimes there can be a structured large group discussion facilitated by someone who can guide the participants through. Participants can then build on each other’s ideas. In that way, a messy process brings creative insights.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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Články v sérii


Why extraverts suffer under Holacracy (1/2): Zappos might have got it wrong


Why extraverts suffer under Holacracy (2/2): Strike the right balance