Be humble and embrace your failures

When people are humble, the results of their actions speak for themselves. These people don’t need to shout about what they have achieved.

Humility is when you realize that not everything is, or should be, about you. Being humble isn't a badge of honor. It is also about truth and about not falling into depression when you experience failures. We're all aware of the fact that quiet confidence gets us further than loud insecurities.


Do you really want to be humble? Then read a few thoughts on humility from the website.

Your vulnerabilities make you stronger

Humility comes with bumps and bruises. If we're actually at a low point in our lives, sometimes even near the point of a breakdown, our humility has the chance to grow. We're drawn to our vulnerabilities, because our humility and the our strength stems from them.

Embrace your failures

Don’t assume that your failures mean something about you. These situations aren't final, and failures are just feedback for us. It's an opportunity to learn a lesson.

Don’t call attention to your accomplishments

People who are confident and secure within themselves don’t need to brag. You should live well, and know that you're not inferior.  Don’t wait or expect the spotlight.

If you need approval from others, you don't actually have enough self-confidence. Don’t seek approval and acknowledgment, try to build your inner serenity instead.

Speak when you're wrong, not when you're right

Humble people don’t blame others or circumstances. Accept that you're responsible for everything that happens in your life.

Excuses are born from pride and fear. When you accept responsibility, it will become an engine that will help you change direction when needed. You'll also be able to see opportunities that you would have missed otherwise.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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