Management styles that are best avoided

Promotion to a managerial role brings with it increased responsibility – and part of that involves dealing with subordinates and ensuring your team is working smoothly.

In an article at, expert on emotional intelligence Travis Bradberry lists some unpopular categories of manager – precisely the type you should avoid becoming.


1. Know-All

Pretending always to know everything best is not the point of being a manager. Be open to new ideas and suggestions from people with a deep understanding of their work: ultimately, listening to them may save you much time and energy. 

2. Micromanager

Don’t assume you have continually to monitor the members of your team. Apart from robbing yourself of valuable time, you will also install feelings of frustration and resentment in the employees.

3. Remote manager

This is the opposite extreme to the micromanager. Employees value a certain degree of freedom to do their work, but they also need to know the manager is there for them when necessary. Otherwise work may grind to a halt or employees themselves will make random decisions – which you yourself might then find hard to justify to your own boss.

4. Self-server

These types are interested only in how they themselves are perceived by their superiors. They will take credit for the team’s successes but blame their subordinates for anything that goes wrong. Not surprisingly, team members will end up doing only the bare minimum for such a manager.

5. Best friend

There is no harm in being friendly towards the people you supervise but this should not extend to overlooking any misdemeanours which have a negative impact on the team’s performance. In the long run, the team would not respect you for taking such an approach.

Remember that a manager’s role is not only to achieve good results: you also have to build a team which is able to deliver the desired outcomes. Bear in mind the above points and you could become the right kind of leader to make that happen.  


Article source The Muse - U.S. website focused on smart career advice and long-term professional development
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