How to recognise a toxic person

A caring attitude, mutual respect and clear communication are the grounds for any relationship between friends, partners and co-workers. Toxic people, however, are different.


They can be extremely charismatic and charming but they behave in ways that are damaging to others – and to you as well. This warning comes in an article on the website.

Toxic people:

  • very often use emotional manipulation
  • manipulate conversations in order to confuse you
  • are very self-centered and all attention must be on them at all times
  • feel intense drama all the time: it’s easy to be persuaded by them that there really is a drama
  • may make you feel that you or someone else must be rescuing them every few days
  • may mistreat you repeatedly – if you don’t stop them
  • are unpredictable: they can be both kind and cruel, so it is not easy to feel comfortable with them
  • test you from time to time, demanding proof of your love or your friendship
  • judge you
  • like it when you are struggling, so expect them around when you have a crisis, not during your happy moments
  • lie and are not to be trusted

If you recognise a toxic person near you, face facts and stop wasting your time on that person. Instead, protect yourself and keep any interactions to a minimum.

If possible, detach yourself from the mutual relationship altogether. If you must continue to deal with the toxic person, determine the form of your interactions in advance. Any time you come into contact, you must be feeling focused and clear-headed.

When talking with a toxic person, note any inner tension or anxiety in your body. Never engage in an unnecessary conversation with such a person. Toxic people treat conversations as a win-lose situation. Keep interactions brief, polite and superficial.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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