A simple, yet effective way to be more creative

A poll conducted by IBM identified creativity as the most important competency of leaders in the future. The respondents can be trusted: they were 1,500 CEOs.

That is why you shouldn’t follow the way things have always been done, and find a better way. Think outside the box.


An article on the addicted2success.com website recommends focusing on two questions which will help us to be more creative and innovative.

The good news is that you don’t have to wait for inspiration when you need to innovate. Various techniques and exercises can be deployed resulting in the creative juices beginning to flow. Use them and innovative solutions will appear. One of these exercises is easy: you just need to ask why and how repeatedly.

Why and how: They get the ball rolling

Asking “Why” is an important first step to finding a better way of doing things. The twist is that you can be really innovative with your own personal life.

Why do you drink coffee every morning? Why do you spend hours on social media? Why don’t you change your job? All these whys, and when you repeat them few times after you answer, they will help to lead you to the point where you reveal your true innovations and motivations.

By asking these questions, you can discover the real reasons why you want the things you want.

Achieving your goals can be simple. After you dare to ask why, you need to ask how. Ask how else you can accomplish the goal or fulfill the need you identify by asking why.

You may think of more effective alternatives and then make real changes in your life – or choose a different track to something you are working on at work.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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