Charisma: can it be learnt?

Charismatic businesspeople are more successful at work than those who are less likeable at first sight or who do not know how to work with people. Personal charm helps not just in business but also in developing informal relationships, be it with clients or anybody else.

You surely know people who are charismatic and in whose presence you feel comfortable. But can you learn to be charismatic? To some extent, yes.


According to the blog of HubSpot, with most people charisma is inherent. But personal charm is connected primarily to a number of traits that you can adopt and thus immediately become more likeable to those around you.

Ability to empathise

Try to empathise with people. If they tell you about their problems or delights, share their feelings with them as if they were your own.

No pretence

Do not try to be someone you are not. People who are not authentic cannot build their own personal charm.

Ability to admit a mistake

Charismatic people are able to admit mistakes and errors they have made and face up to them. People will then feel at ease with you as they will know you are not hiding anything essential from them.

Sense of humour

Humour is not just about making others laugh. It is also the best indicator of self-confidence, and self-confidence is closely connected to charisma.

Maximum attention

The most important thing about charismatic people is that they have maximum engagement in whatever they are doing at a given moment. When they are talking to someone, they pay full attention and do not think of other things. They are “present” in the given moment.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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