When inflexibility is not an option

If you have big plans ahead or you are already pursuing them but somehow struggling, remember that you have to remain flexible. This is particularly important if you are about to lead a new initiative or programme.

In such cases you need to stay – or, if you aren't so already, become – as flexible as possible. If you manage this, all the various twists and turns and ups and downs will not cause you any harm and you will be able more easily to persist on your course.


An article on the addicted2success.com website offered three tips to help keep flexibility as the basis of your mindset.

1) Find people who will motivate and draw you ahead

If there are people around you who already have a flexible mindset, they will help you be like them. Keeping like-minded persons around you will foster the right approach.

So try to find a group of people who are doing what you want to be doing. If you manage to find people who are a few steps ahead, that will be excellent as it will help to stretch you. However, they shouldn’t be too far ahead as that could, on the contrary, prove depressing and discourage you.

2) Consider your options

Make it clear to yourself that in your case quitting is not an option. Maybe you will need to get back to reading some books again, or watch or listen to some inspiring talks of motivational speakers and coaches. But you must – and you will – persevere.

Once having a flexible mindset becomes a norm for you, there is nothing you cannot do. If you have ever asked yourself “Am I delusional? What have I been thinking?”, at some stage you have already had to overcome your doubts. Sometimes no clear answers are available but still you have to keep going.

3) Remember why you are doing it

Sometimes it is helpful to remind yourself of why you initially chose to do what you are doing. How did you feel? Maybe you were frustrated with your life as it was before and thus embarked on your current demanding journey.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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