Millennials are neither lazy nor selfish

Millennials are people born in the late 20th century. Their generation is generally perceived as a generation of young people who have grown up with, and primarily communicate via, modern technologies. They're more ambitious, but also more tolerant than previous generations.

However, many general conclusions about the behavior and values ​​of the millennial generation can't be farther from the truth. Are they really as lazy, disloyal and unable to succeed elsewhere than in the digital industry, as they're said to be?

Of course not. And it's high time to realize this because they're starting to have the largest representation in the workforce. If organizations don't know them, they can hardly make full use of their potential.

Which of the "facts" about millennials do you think are really facts and which are fiction?


The following myths were published in a recent article on

All millenarians are the same

This can't be said about any generation. Even top-level marketers confirm that there are many quite different groups among millennials.

Millennials demand frequent recognition

This was more true for previous generations. Millennials have had a good idea of ​​what success is since childhood. They expect more ethical and transparent behavior from their managers.

Millennials are only interested in digital technologies

This assumption is very distorted. Although millennials know how to use digital technologies, they tend to learn new things through personal contact with others.

Millennials aren't loyal

In general, we consider them to be job hoppers. However, when their employer treats them well, they don't leave more often than their older colleagues.

Millennials are lazy

We think they want higher positions and wages without deserving it. But it's closer to the truth that they're very interested in learning and applying new knowledge in practice. It's not true that they prefer teamwork either. Most of them, on the contrary, would welcome more personal responsibilities.

Millennials don't want to follow instructions

Many surveys have confirmed that they're more willing to meet the demands of their superiors than older generations of workers.

Millennials only care about themselves

Not every millennial is self-centered. This generation, on the contrary, has a strong feeling of social responsibility. They're interested in the world and feel personally responsible for what's happening.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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