Daily planning: A way to reach your goals

Do you come to work in the morning not knowing what exactly you'll be doing and you come up with tasks to do on the fly or as they come along? Some say this is the wrong attitude and you'll never get closer to achieving your goals (you should always have something you're working towards). The key to meeting your goals is daily planning.


You're the master of your own time

According to SalesGravy, you shouldn't come to work and do tasks as they come along as most people do. Be the engine that creates activities according to your own needs and according to a pre-determined, systemic plan, and let others adapt to you. In order to do that, you must come up with a system to plan tasks in advance.

Planning ahead

Daily planning is a habit that might take a while to get used to and not to see it as tedious. But after some time, you won't be able to imagine doing it any other way. The first step is setting your goals. What do you want to achieve, how can you quantify the goal, and how will you measure your success?

Then, you have to determine a time frame for reaching your aim. Write down what you've already done to reach the goal and where you would put yourself at the moment on a scale from 0 to your goal. Come up with a long-term plan that will determine your daily tasks.

Ideally, sit down every evening, take out the long-term general plan, determine where you are at the end of the day, and set up tasks for the upcoming day. As motivation, you can write down by how many per cent you'll advance to your goal if you do all the tasks as you plan to do the next day.


This system can seem too long or even useless in the beginning. In the long run, however, this planning gives you the much-needed motivation and orientation toward your tasks and goals. Every day you remind yourself why you do what you do. By knowing what you are working on and why, you'll be less stressed at work and your performance will be powerful and even.


Article source Sales Gravy - international networking community for Sales Professionals
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