6 things you will never see successful people do

Success is not reaching a certain target, it's a mind-set. Successful people are never done, they never give up, and this is why they'll be successful despite all the obstacles that they encounter on their way. Here are six things that successful people never do, which distinguishes them from the rest and how they get what they want.


An article, posted over LinkedIn Pulse by expert on emotional intelligence Travis Bradberry, states that successful people don't waste their time and energy doing the following things.

They don't get desperate over failures

Failures are bound to happen. Many times. It's part of the road to success. Successful people are able to gain knowledge from failures and focus on their new goal.

They aren't perfectionists

Despite the general belief to the contrary, successful people can't be perfectionists, because then they would get stuck on small details and lose touch with the bigger picture.

They don't focus on the negative

Having a positive attitude, seeking ways around obstacles, and not dwelling on problems – these are traits of successful people.

They don't waste time on negative people

The people with whom you surround yourself influence what you become to a large extent. Successful people hang around positive people with can-do attitude that supports them.

They don't get revenge

Successful people don't forget, but they do forgive. They know old sores can stand in the way of success, so they're never vengeful.

They don't say things they don't mean

Successful people don't say „yes“ as easily as others. But when they do, everybody knows they can count on them. Successful people don't say things they don't mean, and they think before they talk. 


Article source LinkedIn Pulse - LinkedIn blogging platform
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