Some less typical but effective ways of promoting a small business

Via business promotion you try to influence the public towards buying what you are offering. There are many communication channels your business can take advantage of. There is also a difference between promotion and advertising. The latter is one specific action you may take when trying to promote your services, whereas promotion is a more general term. What types of business promotion can a small business use?


Host or sponsor local events

Especially charitable events will make you more known in your local community.

Word of mouth

This is usually considered the most effective way of business promotion and it is also usually free. Consumers very often rely on what friends and family recommend to them. To take advantage of word of mouth, you must be willing to go the extra mile. Superior customer service is an essential prerequisite here. You might also try being completely frank and ask outright for referrals.

Your own elevator pitch

You don’t have to be a start-up to use a well-structured and persuasive story about your business, your aims and your approach to customers. An elevator pitch is a short and to-the-point description of your business, consisting of just few sentences. You should emphasise how your services benefit your customers. Don’t be afraid to use your elevator pitch when dealing with a potential customer, even with someone who has already purchased your services or product.

Business cards

Yes, they are still used. In Asian countries there is even a minor ritual when it comes to exchanging business cards. Try to promote your business not only by business cards but also by letterheads and e-mail signatures. However, any message you intend to display there must be very brief. This is the advice in an article at


Article source The Balance - a US website focused on money and career
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