How to be remarkably charismatic

Charismatic people exude confidence, and people are very willing to trust people who are confident. Surprisingly, showing confidence has more of an impact on establishing trust than your past performance.


The three main ingredients of charisma are:

  • Expressiveness: the ability to start conversations easily and being good at conveying feelings
  • Control: the ability to act adequately in order to fit the mood and social makeup of any group
  • Sensitivity: the ability to listen well to others

And how do charismatic people behave?

Be confident and attentive to others

Charismatic people light up the room with confidence when they appear. Once they're there, they're ready to listen to others. When listening, show that you care about more than merely providing an answer.

Others feel valued by your attention. Charismatic people are attentive to others and so then people want to be around them. Ask questions, smile and maintain eye contact. Be responsive to people around you.

Charismatic individuals are passionate. This passion motivates people around them. Strong emotions are often contagious. So when you are around someone who is passionate about what they do, and is always optimistic, it probably makes you to be more like that too.

Don’t act as the most important person in the world

Be approachable instead. If someone is warm and approachable, you'll most likely find the person charming. Charismatic people talk in simple terms and we can relate to them easily. They may be very knowledgeable, and are kind in sharing information with others. They know that displaying self- importance doesn’t impress anyone – only pretentious people think it does.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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