Some guidelines for introverted leaders

Do you recharge best when you are alone? If so, the chances are that you are an introvert. However, power doesn't always mean being the biggest talker present; you may also quietly observe and at the same time ask important questions.


How to focus on your unique strengths? How to unleash that quiet power? You need to behave in a way that enables you to thrive. This advice comes from an article on the website.

Refuse to play a losing game with extroverts

How can introverts develop their leadership skills? Being loud doesn't always guarantee that the message has been conveyed. Often introverts actually have better chances of being heard. Using pauses while speaking increases the impact of what you are saying. This is true even when you are not standing on a stage. When someone makes pauses, they sound more authoritative and don't even need to say so much.

Keep listening

Without any doubt, listening is the supreme skill of introverts. Of course, extroverts can also be good listeners but to an introvert it comes naturally. When someone inherently allows more space for others to describe the situation and how they feel, they are actually better positioned to realise how they can help. How to listen well?

  • Don’t talk when others are speaking.
  • Use verbal sounds and facial expressions to show you are listening.
  • Repeat what has been said using your own words.

Of course, sometimes you need to speak up. So when you do, make it count. Develop your speaking skills, preferably in the supportive environment of an organisation which brings together people with this interest.

Take a rest

If you have been through several demanding social interactions, take enough time to recover properly. Don’t force yourself into playing the game of extroverts if that is not what energises you. Also avoid excessive energy drains: don't overstress yourself and keep this in mind when planning your schedule.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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