Influence others with your words: Have conversations that create impact

The majority of people don't start out knowing how to talk to people, but gradually develop the skill. You simply need to talk to as many people as you can – just be willing to talk to everyone you meet.


What tips does the website give us?

First, make sure you care about the person you're talking with. Show that you care about them – make them feel that you’re interested in talking to them.

Be yourself

Don’t try to be someone you're not. Your biggest asset is your personality. That is what sets you apart from everyone else. So use your uniqueness to your advantage. Let all your quirks shine through. So when you talk to someone, just be yourself.

Let others be vulnerable

Everyone is vulnerable and everyone has a story, so try to discover that story. Be attentive and ask great questions. Generally speaking, people want to share what they’ve been through, but it's not the first thing we tell others, so you need to dig a little deeper.

If someone shares their backstory with you, a connection is created. And it lasts, because they were vulnerable to you. Truly impactful conversations are about allowing others to be vulnerable.

Be relatable

To connect with the person you are talking with, be relatable. That means you need to sympathize with the person's situation. You should also never put yourself above the other person.

Be fully present

To let others talk, you need to be fully present. Make sure you do so. It means that you must be focused on what the person is saying to you. Don’t think about anything else. Don’t check your mobile, since people do notice when you are not present.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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