Study: Procurement in 2025

Significant changes in procurement will occur in the years ahead and not only in the purchasing process and supply chain: thanks to automation, the roles of employees will be transformed too. We can expect a reorganisation of practically all processes and further networking of the whole ecosystem.


Will there be jobs specialised in optimising procurement in companies in 2025? According to some opinions, robotic technology will take this role; however, SAP Ariba experts do not share this view.

Commerce is a social process driven by sellers and buyers, and new technologies will allow both companies themselves and their relationships to become more personalised. Furthermore, according to the SAP Ariba study entitled Procurement 2025, technology will ensure business works in a more contextual, smarter, and more efficient context. Strategy in the procurement process will play a bigger role at the expense of tactics.

So how should we imagine procurement and the nature of technologies supporting it in the near future?

Main predictions of the study

  • Management of orders and invoices will be automated. Employees will focus on strategic work, business goals and business innovation. Smart systems will be able to learn by themselves and provide a personalised and user-friendly experience so that purchases can be made practically straightaway.
  • Ensuring a sustainable supply chain will become important for brand awareness and company reputation. Procurement departments will become directly responsible for the success of companies.
  • Employees of the procurement department will be specialists in cooperation at the same time. Cost, revenue and cash flow targets will only be achieved through close interconnections. Procurement departments will play a major role in this interconnection: they will operate within the network of vendors, customers and partners around the world and will be responsible for the effectiveness of this environment.
  • Current networks will gradually become "super networks", and this greater interconnection will be needed to create business values. Such interconnected systems will become a standard procurement environment, enabling a single process from source to consumption. The result will be higher speed and business agility.
  • Data is becoming a new currency. Both sellers and buyers will use real-time data, predictive analytics and technologies such as artificial intelligence or blockchain. This will enable better decisions to be made based on real information.
