Advice for success in life (2/2): 3 tips that might work for you

The previous article described how to organise one's calendar, and also deal with moments when we are feeling down. But there is more to follow: here are a couple of tips that are reliable – plus a couple of a more experimental nature.


1. Don’t answer e-mails first thing in the morning

Don’t work on the content of your inbox early in the morning or when you are feeling bad. E-mails often bring news about unexpected changes in schedule, or some bad news, or just some complications. So maybe you should schedule something other than dealing with emails for at least two hours after you wake up. That way, you will have some time without any distraction caused by bad news of whatever kind. This can really help morning productivity, according to an article on the website.

2. Eat that frog!

This is what famous coach and speaker Brian Tracy recommends in order to improve your productivity. The frog is one of your tasks – the most difficult and most important one. If you make a habit of eating the frog as the very first task, you will get a motivation boost every time you eat it. This will make you much more productive for the rest of the day as everything that follows eating the frog will be relatively easy for you.

3. Work from a very boring place

A famous writer preferred writing in a tiny, unpleasant room containing nothing apart from a bed, a Bible and a deck of cards. Perhaps it is true that attractive surroundings sometimes hold us back while, on the other hand, dull environments have us rushing us to get things done because if you can't stand a place, you will do anything to get out of it.

4. Use the strength of the power pose

If you are feeling unproductive, do the following: stand up, take a deep breath and adopt the power pose. Changing your posture really can improve your mood. Or you can do some stretching or other short physical exercise, if this is possible. Maybe it will be enough just to use the stairs instead of the elevator.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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Advice for success in life (2/2): 3 tips that might work for you