Go virtual: don’t miss the boat

Virtual reality is good not only for video games. Today, VR is a device that is set to change considerrably the way we work. It is becoming part of the modern workplace – and not only because it may reduce the number of business trips.



VR creates jobs 

People are becoming VR developers, but there are even more job openings in the field: not only computer specialists, but also marketing professionals or lawyers will be involved as the technology spreads.

VR promotes collaboration

You can use e-mails, instant messages or video conferences. However, when a meeting is conducted with VR, you gain completely new opportunities. It will be possible to show construction projects and their progress through VR. You could also invite designers from all over the world to joint brainstorming or a review of their creations.

New forms of training

For certain roles, extremely intensive training is needed. VR is already changing that. The role might be, for example, navigating or even captaining a ship. The experience of VR training will help put practitioners in the real job much sooner.

Virtual employees are closer

VR brings employees from across the world together. Remote employees need no longer be isolated from the rest of their team. They can attend regular meetings or feedback sessions. In this way, all conversations become much more personal. Improved communication then leads to happier and better employees, plus improved performance.

Good for employee health

VR allows people to stand up and move around – and still be productive. With VR, people can collaborate or speak with their colleagues while exercising. ¨

Marketing is being transformed

VR affects the realm of marketing. Improved promotions and experiential marketing are on the rise. Start familiarising yourself with the types of VR available. If you use it, you can obtain a great advantage. This is the conclusion of an article on the business2community.com website.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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