Starting a business: You need to spend money to make money

Especially when you are just starting a business, you will probably want to keep expenses as low as possible. However, you cannot do everything yourself: that way you would only be wasting time. Do you know what kinds of tasks you should outsource?


An article on the website provides some tips on tasks which are suitable for passing on to others to take care of. So, what kinds of things should you pay someone else to do for you?

  • Managing e-mails: If you receive dozens of e-mails every day and cannot deal with all of them, maybe you should hire someone to handle your inbox for you. Otherwise, your willingness to respond promptly may take up far too much of your time.
  • Accounting: If you lack formal training in accounting or taxes, you will probably save time and potentially also money by hiring an expert. This is also good for peace of mind.
  • Customer service: If you deliver a good product or service, that's fine. But chances are that you also need to provide good customer service. If the volume of sales increases, perhaps you should put together a customer service team. Customers have questions, comments, and concerns … and you personally cannot be around all the time for them.
  • Social media: You can still produce content, but someone else could do the scheduling, responding and maintaining campaigns.
  • Content writing: If you are not a quick writer, you could hire someone to produce good pieces of content. Sometimes it is difficult to express ideas in an appealing way.
  • E-mail marketing: This can be a very time-consuming task, so find someone who will expand your e-mail list and also set up your e-mail opt-ins and sales funnel.
  • Video producing: If you want videos for your business, you need a professional to edit them for you. This can take hours – and may prove rather frustrating if you are learning how to do it as you go.

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