Get the most out of yourself: it takes just 10 minutes a day

Do you think that adding just 10 minutes to your daily routine cannot lead to a significant improvement in your life? Well, actually, it can.


So let’s see what you can start doing in order to live a better life.

Cold shower

There are multiple benefits to be gained by taking cold showers:

  • increased alertness
  • improved immunity
  • stress and depression relief
  • faster muscle recovery
  • stimulation leading to loss of weight

For anyone not used to taking a cold shower, the idea can seem somewhat intimidating. In that case, an article at recommends taking your usual warm shower and then, at the very end, switching it to cold for at least one minute. You will soon become more resilient and the cold shower experience will no longer be quite as tough.

Cold showers also help us develop a stronger will. So if you want to rid yourself of a weak mindset, turn on the cold water. Okay, it might not be especially enjoyable, but force yourself anyway.


Start your day with a meditation session. A mere five minutes is enough. Clear your mind of random thoughts and allow yourself to focus clearly on the upcoming day. It is good to pause occasionally and take a deep breath; moreover, such a habit can have a profound impact on your life.

Keep two kinds of journals

Keep a record of your goals. You also need to check them regularly, ideally on a daily basis. That way, you will monitor your progress and ensure you are heading in the right direction every single day.

Another thing that can help is a gratitude journal, where you make a brief note of three things for which you felt thankful during the day. The reason behind this is that it will make you realise how no day is as bad as you might have thought. You can always take something positive from whatever you have experienced.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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