Design trends for offices: what is in this year

Are you thinking about renovating your company's offices? Then you should bear in mind the current trends in office design.


What is in and what is out in 2018, according to an article on the website?

No more open-office: go for private desks

There should also be separate areas for group work. Nowadays long rows of open-plan desks are out. Employees don't actually like such a setting. If collaboration is important to the way people work, it will take place anyway without an open office. There is really no need to sacrifice privacy and acoustic well-being. So do the right thing and and split up those endless rows of tables – either with empty space or a proper wall.

Well-equipped conference rooms

We live in the digital age, so don’t make your rooms low-tech. Increasing numbers of people are working remotely and you should be able to involve them in a video conference with just a few clicks. Also make it possible for your employees to book a room manually by installing a tablet on the wall right next to the door.

Let employees have their fun at home

Don’t send the message that you expect employees to be at work all day. Add an espresso bar, but don't completely combine work and play. No more ping-pong tables. The tech sector has grown up and as employees start a family and do have a life outside the office, you don’t need to supply them with social life at work.

Deploy textures and mirrors

Focus on textures – bricks, wood, perhaps marble … mix things up from room to room. Also use mirrors to keep things fresh. Place them randomly, maybe even on ceilings. This slightly disorientates your view in a positive way and also expands the space. Forget about painted walls and graffiti: that is now out.


Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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