Online dating can help your career

There are skills we can learn via online dating that can subsequenty be used in job searches, our career and in life in general. After all, a first date is in some ways similar to an interview, is it not?


So let’s see what you can learn from online dating.

1. Writing

On an online dating platform, you have a profile and you send people short messages. Apart from any photos, what you write and how you phrase your messages is of the utmost importance. Poor grammar and typos can generally be tolerated but you must be able to communicate and engage with your audience.

Like a resume and cover letter, your profile is the only thing you can use to distinguish yourself from others.

2. Selling

Within the process of online dating, you have to sell yourself. But it is even more about selling your brand and lifestyle. When you are selling, you need to know the product (which is you yourself) and your target audience. So do you have what they want? And can they actually afford the purchase? In other words, are you interested in them? It is all about ensuring the match will benefit both parties.

3. Marketing

How you look is important. You need to demonstrate your credibility as a candidate. The right clothes and understanding of how to present yourself are vital: first impressions mean a lot. Will you make it to the second round of interviews; will you make it to the next date? Your positioning as a candidate or possible partner is also important: you need to resonate with others.

4. Dealing with rejection and failure

Not everyone is for anyone. People always have certain criteria in mind and search for a suitable match. The fact is that you cannot do anything once a meeting is over. What happens next is completely out of your control. Rejection does hurt, but it can become easier if you learn not to make the same mistakes again. This is the conclusion of an article on the website.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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