Refresh your team’s motivation

Do you know how to encourage and motivate your staff to participate more actively in team work? Sometimes this is easier said than done.


There are external motivators, such as promotions or raises. But only rarely do these offer a permanent solution. Motivation cannot be forced; it must come from within. You need to understand the unique sources of employee motivation for your team. The website has shared some tips on how to go about this.

What to do to keep your team motivated:

Tell them where you’re heading

Start with the why and wherefore. Make sure your team is aware of why they are doing what they are doing. It is not so much about giving a motivational speech; rather, you should focus on creating a fulfilling and motivating work environment.

Also invite and encourage your colleagues to help you clarify the vision that you are all jointly working towards.

Define clear goals

Lack of focus is a killer for motivation. Confusion about what to focus on often stems from unclear goals. If you provide your team with specific goals, they will know what to prioritise. Remove any uncertainty, which usually results in decreased motivation.

Start by reviewing current goals. Make them ambitious enough to be meaningful but, at the same time, don’t stretch your workers too far beyond their comfort zone. Aim for a good balance. After you have defined the common goal of your team, set also the smaller individual goals.

Encourage ownership

Your direct subordinates may feel they cannot make decisions since they lack the necessary authority. This is usually caused by too strict processes being in place or micromanagement on the manager’s side.

Encourage your team to show initiative. Start by setting clear expectations and standards – but then give your team the freedom to come up with their own ideas. Show your staff you value their opinions by asking them for feedback on a regular basis.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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