Using a customer journey map to enhance productivity

It is essential business productivity be measured in the right way. It may seem surprising but the productivity of an entire business cannot be measured solely by analysing the productivity of individual departments and employees.


The reason is that even if individual teams are performing well, there may be multiple areas of redundancy across various departments. In order to remove such inefficiencies, you need to focus on the big picture across the entire organisation.

To take this approach, customer data needs to be centralised and a customer journey map compiled. This is the indicator of productivity you need, according to an article on the website.

Centralising data across departments

Gather customer data in one place so as to be able to identify possible redundancies. A centralised database allows teams to make use of one another’s data. CRM tools enable the tracking of all customer-business interactions and eliminate unnecessary or ineffective interactions.

In addition to a CRM system, you need your employees to commit to using such a tool efficiently. This is crucial because bad CRM data hinder the productivity of everyone.

A customer journey map is your guide

In most companies, each department is responsible for a certain part of the customer journey. As teams have different goals and gather different data, employees often end up working in isolated silos. When this happens, it very quickly becomes obvious to customers. Silos are bad for customer experience.

To enhance organisation productivity, you need to connect departments. A customer journey map will help you find and fill all the gaps between customer touchpoints and departments.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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