Mobile apps in 2019 (1/2): What is in the pipeline?

There are some technologies which will play a significant part in shaping mobile app development in the coming year. These tech trends will spur some radical changes and definitely have a huge impact on the business.


Competition in mobile app development is intensifying, so it is no wonder the development process itself is evolving. New technologies are already prepared to enhance our comfort in this mobile-driven world.

Here is a list of the most noteworthy trends which will be crucial for every mobile app developer in 2019.

Internet of things

Everyone is talking about this topic, which is no surprise since the Internet of things has a lot to offer almost every sector of industry. Apps which use this technology will form a bridge between smartphones and all other devices connected to the Internet. These apps will also become an integral part of the ecosystems of many businesses. It is quite simply the number one significant trend which will drive mobile app development even beyond 2019, according to an article on the website.

Machine learning

Data collection and analysis can be done very efficiently with machine learning algorithms. This kind of technology enables the provision of individualised and personalised experience to all users. We can also expect more chatbots to appear, as well as other uses of automation.

Automation will improve customer services and help businesses to reduce the number of errors, which are made relatively often by human staff.

More interaction with business

People are becoming more tech-savvy – and that has implications for developers. Providing  highly interactive user experience will become a key factor. Furthermore, mobile app developers need to satisfy diverse user requirements. People in technology need to stay in close touch with business in order to recognise where all the emerging technologies can be used in such a way as to bring maximum value.


Article source - open community for business professionals
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