How to succeed in forming a new habit

If you want to form a new habit – something which will somehow help you in your life – you need to be consistent.


Very often, consistency is the only thing that stands between us as we are today and us achieving all of our goals.

Build it into your schedule

If you can plan for what it is you want to make your new habit, then do so. When you have something recorded in your calendar, you will take it seriously. It is just like a work appointment – and to a certain degree, it really is a work appointment. Your new habit will help you to grow personally or professionally. Perhaps both. It is work, something genuinely important, where there is no room for slacking or postponing.

Even if you are extremely busy, carve out some time for yourself. Plan and schedule the blocks of time you will use to make progress. Remember: working on yourself is something always worth finding time for.

Take advantage of tools

If one of the time blocks mentioned in the previous paragraph comes up and you don’t do what you had originally planned, that is not good. Building a new habit requires responsibility, according to an article on the website. If possible, use some of the many tools and apps available today which can remind you to do what you promised yourself you would do.

Have a partner

Have someone to report to. In other words, find an action partner. Ask that person to be your accountability controller who will get in touch regularly to ask how you are progressing with forming your new habit. It might be a regular weekly call or just a quick chat on Saturdays – anything which suits you both.

When choosing this partner, you need someone who is very committed to consistency and also takes improving and growing seriously. Support from another human being can help a lot if you are getting off track.



Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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