The best time to start is now

The sooner you start chasing your dreams, the sooner you can achieve them.


So what is it at the moment that might be holding you back? An article on the website offers some advice.

Stop waiting for your turn

To get ahead, you must stop waiting in the queue. You don't need to ask for anyone's permission. One thing selfish types often share with successful people is this: they don’t care what others might think or want, which is why selfish types often appear to be quite successful. They simply keep pressing ahead.

You need to leave your comfort zone

Even the best students from the best universities need not become extraordinarily successful. One reason for this is that they are used to the security of a university, being well adapted to an environment where people are willing to mentor them. University means structure and clearly defined goals. But when graduates subsequently enter the real world, things become more complicated: the goals start moving and there may be a lack of clarity in what is really going on. Thus you should try constantly to break out of your comfort zone in order to be prepared for anything.

Surround yourself with the right people

You should choose carefully the sort of people with whom you spend your time. If you surround yourself with people who are always willing to offer help and suggest how you can do even better, these are the right people. But if they merely try to tell you what to do and what they would do, they are likely to be more irritating than helpful.

Beware also of negativity: if other people's negativity becomes a problem for you, that should serve as a warning sign. Spend less time with these types: you don’t need people who always depress you and drag you down. If you have some old friends who are just negative by nature, don’t worry: you can somehow limit the time you spend with them while still ensuring you keep in touch. However, you mustn't let them jeopardise your ability to chase your own dreams.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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