E-commerce and luxury products in 2019 and beyond (2/2)

The previous article described how digitalisation will significantly affect the customer journey in the luxury market. From chatbots to augmented reality, technology will help to make every experience of a customer more interactive.


Chatbots help online shoppers by answering their queries about a product, or advising on the best product to meet a customer's needs. Some brands have even successfully driven sales by chatbots.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality will be used not only in showrooms to enhance in-store experience. It integrates the real environment as seen through a camera on a smartphone and overlays it with additional digital information. It can provide the simulation of a store-like experience at the customer's home or during a walk outside.

Augmented reality is already being used in the field of luxury beauty to help with matching makeup shades and hair colour to a customer's skin type. The customer can then see their face with selected makeup applied on a screen.

In the future there will be, for example, 3D product models with customisable parts available online.

China loves luxury

The growing middle class in China is a huge driver of the global luxury market. At the beginning of 2018, China accounted for 32% of global luxury goods purchases. Brands keen to set up e-commerce in China need to tailor their digital strategy to specific Chinese shopping habits.

Chinese consumers use apps (for example WeChat) much more than internet browsers. Partnering with existing apps can then be a necessity, according to the business2community.com website.

Online stories and videos

Successful luxury brands always tell stories about uniqueness to bring in customers. Going online can then be seen as sacrificing some of the sense of exclusivity. However, compelling (video) stories will become a necessity because when purchasing luxury products, customers are already very much influenced by online content.


Article source business2community.com - open community for business professionals
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E-commerce and luxury products in 2019 and beyond (1/2)


E-commerce and luxury products in 2019 and beyond (2/2)