How retail brands can bridge online and offline (2/2)

The previous article described how tracking customers can be done both online and in-store. Now let’s look at some more examples of how online and offline can be bridged.


Enhanced sports experience lead to higher revenues

Technology is also deployed to drive personalised experiences for those attending sports events. People who download an app of a given team are identified as its fans. Through the app they subsequently receive breaking team news, stats, bios of players and similar information.

When the fans then go to a match, they can again use the app – for example, to find their seat more easily or to post content on social media. They may also be targeted by push notifications for seat upgrades. The data can then be utilised for tracking footpaths, selling team merchandise more effectively or helping team sponsors connect with fans. Such sponsors as, say, McDonald’s can also target fans with push notifications in their outlets away from the stadium.

By using technology, fans enjoy a personalised omnichannel experience while organisers' revenues increase. The cost of investment in the app mentioned in the article on the website was recovered as early as in the first half of the season once the app had been launched.

Augmented reality makes choosing new doors easier

Home Depot with its augmented reality app enables customers to try various products and see which are available at their local store. Pieces of furniture, such as a door, are placed via AR into the image of a physical home. The customer can then see how things would look with that particular door installed. The app can also be used for purchase and in-store navigation.

Customers can mix and match various items so that their home looks the way they would like. There are also product recommendations based on local trends.


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How retail brands can bridge online and offline (1/2)


How retail brands can bridge online and offline (2/2)