Leadership is about self-awareness and connecting with others

Leadership is very often about getting others to push their limits. If you manage to convince your team that what you are collaborating on is worth putting in some extra effort, you can make miracles happen.


Rouse yourself, be aware of your connections with others and take an interest in them. That way people will respond positively to your leadership and again become engaged.

Regain the will to push the limits

The key to engagement is true leadership. You should not be blaming employees for a lack of engagement. If you are a true leader and not merely a boss, you will know that employee engagement is your own responsibility. You cannot rely on your position in the organisational hierarchy; you need to connect with your staff and inspire them. If you don’t do this, employees will be engaged only to the extent of not losing their jobs, but no more.

Be a true leader and keep others engaged: this is the message from an article on the management-issues.com website.

Gain self-awareness

First, you need to be aware of your own limits. Be alert and fully aware of what is happening at any given moment. This way you will be a good leader. Make sure your daily routine incorporates practices which will foster your consciousness of who you are and what you need to be doing. Push your limits to where you feel you need to be in order to become a better version of yourself.

Connect with others

Your future success depends on your ability to connect with other people. Your work is about relationships with others. Person-to-person is the basic relationship in everyone's career. Focus on how well connected to others you are. Make it your priority to be more aware of such connections. Work tirelessly to strengthen connections with the rest of your team and the results will come.


Article source Management Issues - British website cntaining practical information, tips and advice to managers
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