You need to know your blind spots (1/2)

Do you know what your specific problem is that prevents you achieving everything you want? There are some techniques you can deploy to find out.


Do you have recurring problems with colleagues at work, or do your relationships fail one after another? Maybe you know the feeling: no matter what you do, you still run into the same troubles.

To unlock our full potential, we need to be aware of our blind spots. Without identifying them, we cannot break our old, deeply embedded patterns and mindsets.

How to uncover such blind spots?

Overcome your ego

The ego is a primarily protective device. It is our false self which protects us from our weaknesses and failures. But by doing so, it also makes it very difficult for us to recognise and tackle our shortcomings. What makes matters worse is that the ego also stems from parts of our brains that are not accessible to our conscious awareness.

On the other hand, there are still brain parts which serve logic and reason. This non-reactive consciousness can be used to move in the right direction. There is a conflict in your mind: you need to realise this and then support the critical, reasonable side. This is according to the website.

The ego is:

  • insecure
  • underdeveloped
  • irrational
  • entirely selfish

When it attempts to take control of your mind, you need to decide not to let that happen.

Your ego is only concerned with superficial needs such as attention, love, praise; however, it also makes you fixated on exactly these needs. You cannot understand what your weaknesses are with your ego in the way all the time. It takes some intentional thinking activity to break free from the walls the ego builds. Effort is required: without it, you will not discover more about yourself.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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You need to know your blind spots (1/2)


You need to know your blind spots (2/2)