What to do so your team will be willing to follow you

You too can become a great leader. There exist several simple practices that will significantly improve your leadership skills. These attributes are the guiding values of any effective leader. Embrace them to make your team incredibly productive and committed – thanks to your leadership.



In order to implement integrity into your actions, start by keeping your word. Of course, sometimes things happen and occasionally we need to change our plans. In such cases, be clear and direct. There is no other way.

  • Emphasise the need for teamwork
  • Reward positive team interactions
  • Foster emotional support and be inclusive

The benefits you receive will be increased creativity, innovation and a willingness to work hard. By creating rewards for specific behaviours, you send the message that you really mean it and want to reward the right values, according to an article at addicted2success.com.


Your key resources are your time and your emotional intelligence. Be generous with your time and praise: your employees will then like you and be inspired by you.

Consider scheduling praise time into your schedule. Reserve an hour a week to tell your team where they are really doing well. Also give people individual attention and praise.


Your team needs guidance. Of course you have to let them do things on their own and you shouldn’t be micromanaging them; however, gentle guidance is still required so that people don’t feel lost.

  • Establish regular check-ins with your staff
  • Let them ask questions
  • Try to find out where they could use your support

That way, you will see how they’re doing and prevent any shortcomings gradually getting out of control. At the same time, you aren’t being intrusive. Using this approach, you can effectively help your employees while still giving them the space to develop their skills.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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