Lean into discomfort in order to get ahead

Do what is hard so that your life will become easy. How can we genuinely follow what we want to achieve and realise? Very often we just don’t know where to start. But what we are sure of is the discomfort we would face, should we start trying.


Don’t hold back

Don’t let confusion and the need for hard work prevent you from taking the first step. This may only involve reading a useful book on the subject or simply googling some necessary information that will help you take the initial steps, according to the addicted2success.com website.

Begin the journey: lean into your discomfort

You are special. Self-motivation is important. Before succeeding big time, you must start empowering, nurturing and supporting yourself – the person you see in the mirror every morning.

Do whatever you feel you need to do so as to lean into the discomfort. Let go of your fears, stick to the belief that you can really change and affect others in a positive way.

Tell others what you’re planning

Create commitment on your side by telling people you intend to do something. Such a statement will give you an extra push to deliver on your words. Pressure created by accountability is also quite empowering: the discomfort you thus create for yourself increases the probability you will follow through with your stated intention.

Business? Solve a tough problem

Now for a less personal, more business perspective. The best business opportunities are often those which tackle social problems. Other people just sit around and complain about them, but if you try to solve them ...

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Embrace the discomfort caused by a social problem and focus your attention on it. Try to resolve it with some new product or service.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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