Advice you should not follow: two well-known examples

It is easy to offer advice. You can google practically anything you like and you will find plenty of helpful tips aimed at people who may be struggling. Occasionally, however, some advice can do more harm than good.


There are some popular pieces of advice that, in the event you have heard them, you should immediately erase from your memory.

Follow your passion

This is simply a cliché which colleagues and friends often repeat to one another: after all, is it not true  that if you find your passion, your life will be much better as your work will no longer feel like work?

Wrong. While it may be true that successful people often pursue something they are passionate about, the problem is that there still remains the unsuccessful majority. In other words, most people who pursue their passions never succeed. But we don’t hear about this group, so our perception of the quality of the original advice is quite distorted.

Passion is certainly important; however, you need to dig deeper. Look at the reality:

  • What opportunities are available to you?
  • What is the competition out there?
  • Do you have the necessary resources to pursue your passion?
  • What is your plan?

You simply need to identify the best match for your passion and the opportunities available.

Never give up

This may sound like well-meant advice but still it contains some flaws. Life is a journey, during which we need to make many decisions. Some result in success, others in failure. We try to make things work and therefore we shouldn’t stay in certain places longer than is healthy, according to

Put simply, you shouldn’t keep banging your head against a brick wall. And yet we do sometimes find ourselves behaving in such absurd fashion. There are moments when we need to stop being stubbornly persistent, especially if the only result is more pain and suffering.

Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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