Accomplish more in the same amount of time

It is often said that multitasking is bad and that we as humans cannot really do numerous things simultaneously. There is, however, another thing you can do: combine useful and necessary things.  


You can save time by answering e-mails while waiting for an elevator or waiting for a haircut. Don’t procrastinate and be productive instead: you will thus have more time later. When walking home or exercising, try to make some decisions you need to think about (e.g. how to schedule your holiday or when and how to approach the next important set of negotiations you know you will be involved in).

Here are some tips on how to get more than one thing done at once, as suggested by the website.

Meal meetings

Networking and developing strong relationships is key when you want to find new opportunities. However, finding time to grab a healthy meal can also prove very difficult when your schedule is busy. Therefore, consider doing both. Have a proper meal and at the same time work on maintaining positive relationships with partners or colleagues. Or you can use the time to chat and bond with your team.

Use your smartphone smartly

You don’t have to be a gadget freak in order to save time thanks to technology. Accessing e-mail and clearing your e-mail inbox can be invaluable. Combine savvy use of filter settings to keep your messages organised and shoot out quick responses anywhere where you happen to be waiting or when you have a free moment.

Rethink how you commute

If you drive, think about switching to a passive form of transportation. If you were to travel by train, carpooling or underground railway, you would have a great deal of free time. It may not be the most glamorous way to travel and sometimes there may be distractions; however, you can still go through your e-mails or work on a presentation because, obviously, you won’t have to focus on driving.


Article source Addicted2Success - web focused on personal development and reaching success in business and life
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