Use business analytics to your advantage

Business intelligence, useful as it is, does have some pitfalls. So take care and make sure its advantages will outweigh any costs.


Data analytics is what shapes businesses today. There is an increasing amount of information and number of processes in digital form. For all its numerous benefits, business intelligence also brings with it some disadvantages. Precisely what obstacles can be expected is the subject of an article at

Data breaches

There is of course the risk of leaks. Security is often perceived as the biggest challenge of BI. If you use BI applications to handle sensitive information, an error in the process could expose it, causing harm to your business or customers. When looking at different providers, always consider their security options.

High costs

Business intelligence software is often very expensive. Potentially high ROI can justify this expenditure; nevertheless, for smaller businesses there is the initial price barrier. Then there are costs of the hardware and IT staff who need to implement the software solution.

Difficulties with analysing data from different sources

Firms tend to use multiple data sources. This is beneficial because you get well-rounded analytics … but you may also run into problems with systems that don’t work across varied platforms. Fortunately, this problem is disappearing as advanced BI systems can work with many different data sets.

Poor quality of data

It can quite easily happen that you will have a surplus of data. Chances then are that much of the data is irrelevant or unhelpful and serves only to slow down your BI processes. In order to prevent this from happening, you should implement some data quality management measures. Or select just a few clear key performance indicators that are appropriate to your particular goals.


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