Mastermind group: How to join and what to expect (3/3)

If you are looking for a dose of motivation and mentoring, the solution may be to join a so-called mastermind group. What does it entail and how do you even enter such a group? This was discussed in previous parts of this series. The current article offers three tips in conclusion on how to get the most out of your mastermind group.


The decision to join a group of masters is a big commitment. You owe it to those colleagues with whom you want to connect in the group and whose ideas and advice you draw from - and you also owe it to yourself. Hard group work is important because it usually has a good return. Here are some tips on getting the most out of your mastermind group.

Optimise your time in the "hot seat"

When it's your turn to share your problem or situation in front of everyone, you need to be prepared. It's an extremely valuable time to obtain feedback from colleagues who can help you with your career, so don't take it lightly. Carefully select the topic you are going to introduce and choose an idea that will have maximum impact on your business or profession.

Having chosen the topic, prepare notes and work on the description of the issue and how you will introduce it to others. End the presentation with a specific explanation of how you want other members to help you.

If you attend an online meeting, make sure you are in a quiet place with a fast Wi-Fi connection. Check the webcam and microphone on your computer in advance to see if the background behind you is clear. Dress professionally. Finally, if everything else is in order, prepare an answering machine for the advice and recommendations you receive. 

Be thorough and specific

Be specific when asking other members of the group for advice. Don't just say, "What do you think?" This will not produce useful feedback. Instead, focus on one or two main questions you can ask to get specific feedback. For example, you could say, "If you were me, how much would you pay for this product?" This can help you move forward.

Be thorough too. Sometimes in meetings you will find that one or two people answer each question, while others prefer simply to sit and listen. But those quiet people also have valuable perspectives. Don't be afraid to address specific participants from the hot seat by name or explain that you want to hear everyone's opinion.

At the end of the hot seat, when defining goals and the next steps, seek advice on setting realistic goals and ask colleagues to hold you responsible for meeting them. It's an important step: after all, there's no point in getting advice if you don't take it to heart. Ensure you are really working to achieve your goals. Being thorough and setting up the next steps is a great way to get the most out of your mastermind group.

Use all resources

Most groups of masters share their resources outside regular meetings, and for a reason: these resources support the topics you are discussing. You will often get access to free digital and physical courses or a private discussion group on Facebook. Take advantage of every such resource. This is the only way to get the most out of a mastermind group.

Are you ready to join a group of masters? Or are you already part of one?


Article source - Brian Tracy's official blog
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Mastermind group: How to join and what to expect (1/3)


Mastermind group: How to join and what to expect (2/3)


Mastermind group: How to join and what to expect (3/3)