The best ways to motivate your business team

Inspiration and motivation. Two important things that any business team manager must provide to their team. It is not always easy to keep all employees motivated, especially in difficult and economically unstable times. This is why we want to remind you of the most effective ways you, as the team leader, can motivate and inspire your team.


This text is inspired by an article on the Selling Power website.

Be a role model

Serve as an example to others. You yourself must stick to the principles you are requesting from others and that you appreciate. If you want something from your team members but you actually do not follow your own advice, your requests are doomed to be ignored.

Praise effort and do not punish employees for making mistakes

Create a safe and positive environment by praising effort and hard work and by supporting employees in their initiatives to try new things and procedures. Of course, this means that you do not punish them for mistakes and failures, quite the opposite. You should teach them to learn from mistakes and to welcome small failures as opportunities for growth.

Provide quality training

Everyone wants to develop and to grow. You should not neglect this basic human need in your team. Offer your employees quality training, ideally on topics that they themselves choose.

Do not be a micro manager

Give your employees room to do things on their own. Nobody likes it if their boss is constantly behind their back, watching their every move. Even if you think your attempt to help employees at all times is positive, you must give them the chance to do things on their own.

Give employees a reason to be proud of their work

People do not work just for money. Most people want to see a deeper meaning in their job. Try to think of ways to offer your team members something that would add value to their work and that would make them proud of what they do.

Reward your workers sufficiently and fairly

Be fair, do not give anyone special privileges and appreciate hard work and good effort. This applies to financial rewards as well. If you do not reward your hard working employees sufficiently and fairly, they will soon lose motivation.



Article source Selling Power - online version of a US magazine for sales managers
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