How to teach your customer service team to communicate with clients better

Empathy and communication skills are crucial for customer service agents. Being able to get on the same wavelength with the other person and to communicate with them efficiently is key when dealing with customers. In this article we will show you how you can improve your team's communication skills when they are dealing with customers.


Let employees go through the customer experience

According to the website MyCustomer, a very efficient way to increase empathy in customer service agents and to improve their communication skills is to let them experience the company's customer service. From time to time, you should let employees use the company's product, go through the sales cycle and deal with the customer service center. The better the knowledge of what it is like to be a customer, the better employees will be able to understand real customers and communicate with them.

Practice using model situations

The key to success is your company's employees being prepared and knowing what they are doing. You should practice specific situations during training and regularly practice communication with clients, ideally through role playing games in which you or another colleague plays a customer.

Teach agents to use positive expressions and communication

The same thing can be said in many different ways. For example, instead of saying: „We do not offer this solution,“ you can say: „We offer this solution as an alternative.“ Teach employees to use this positive way of talking and explain that they should avoid negative expressions like „I don't know“, „impossible“, or „never“.

Know your clients better and use a quality CRM system

The key to better communication with clients is knowing them better. Your team members should know their customers, they should know what kind of person is a typical client and what type of communication they prefer. In order to get to know your clients on an individual level and to therefore be able to give them personalized service, you need to use a quality CRM system and enter all data and information there regarding specific clients carefully. 



Article source MyCustomer - British website focused on marketing and customer service
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