Become irreplaceable

Who would not want to become an indispensable person for others - and especially at a time when many companies are considering forced cuts and layoffs. But how to achieve this?


Bruce Tulgan, author of "The Art of Being Indispensable at Work", says that in our efforts to become indispensable, we all too often commit ourselves to tasks that are beyond our capabilities. Results are then wide of the mark and important tasks remain unfinished or ineffective.

In Tulgan's opinion, people gain real influence once they manage to overcome their need for excessive commitment which they are unable to fulfil, and instead learn to accept cooperation as a means to do things properly and effectively.

The point is that when we help others succeed, we are all successful. However, it is not a question of doing everything for everyone; this only leads to overload. It is important to approach each relationship, each interaction and each other person individually with the idea of ​​creating added value together.

Tulgan's book also addresses other issues such as reworking, lack of responsibility, lack of authority, the ability to say no, or how to deal with arrogance.

According to the author, the real influence is the power you have when other people want to do things for you or instead of you, make good use of your time and contribute to your success. The way to go about this is to serve others by doing the right thing long term, moment by moment, and adding maximum value to each individual interaction.

At the same time, it is also important to realise that before you can handle things on your own level, you need to ensure you are in line with the people making decisions. The solution is good communication upwards and downwards within management and subordinate relationships. Alignment with decision-makers gives clarity to the process.

Tulgan goes on to say your approach should focus only on what you do best, and constantly expanding the scope of your specialisation, or accepting relevant tasks and responsibilities related to your current position.

Too many people make the mistake of assuming hard work alone is the key to becoming indispensable. The point here is that investing much energy where it makes no sense to do so will not add value.

If you want to be indispensable at work, you have to be known for doing one important thing after another very well, very quickly and all day long. Do not jump from one task to another. Have your focus and stick to it. At the same time, cooperate with others in your efforts.

If you are perceptive, you will quickly realise it is not enough just to be the best in the technical aspects of your work: relationships are also crucial. But you can't build the necessary relationships if you bypass the system, sidestep the rules or play politics.

Becoming an indispensable person is not easy and requires long-term training. However, these ideas also have advantages outside work. By cleverly helping others, you will make yourself a person whom others will want to help.


Article source Leadership Now - web focuses on various aspects of leadership
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