Three steps towards supporting a healthy company culture

Working environment, mood in the office, attitude of the manager and company culture. All these intangible and often neglected items play a key role in how employees work, as well as their productivity and loyalty to the company. A healthy company culture is essential for quality and efficient team work. Therefore, this article will look at how you as a manager can promote such a healthy company culture in your team.


Respect team members

This sounds simple and clear. For employees to be happy, loyal, hard-working and confident, they must feel you respect them. But in reality it often happens that a manager has no time for these "unimportant" things and fails to let employees know their work is not just being taken for granted. But in fact it is not so hard to do.

Even during the everyday rush, learn how to praise employees for their good work. Show you appreciate their opinions by making time for them and listening to what they think and say. Whenever possible, treat them as equals and accommodate their wishes. Reward them for loyalty and be interested in them as human beings, not just employees.

Act as a transparent link between company management and your team

Transparency and openness of communication are key to building a healthy company culture. Some managers decide not to see problems and uncertainty in their team; instead, they simply ignore such issues. Moreover, some leaders are vague about what is going on in company management and about decisions being made that will have an impact on the firm's regular employees.

In order to create a healthy and friendly working environment, you must function as a quality and reliable communications link between company management and members of your team. If possible, try not to hide anything from employees, especially regarding decisions that affect them directly. You should also explain the company strategy and motivation behind some of the company's unpopular decisions.

Be fair

Again, this is easier said than done. Employees are sensitive to any injustices happening to them, no matter how small. You might tolerate one employee's always being late for work; one person might escape reprimand despite not fulfilling their duties while, on the other hand, someone else is criticised for doing something that is standard practice at the company.

Try to avoid all such excesses. Treat everybody equally, be just and transparent in your decisions. Reward employees in a fair manner and try not to take advantage of someone who is too shy to complain: sooner or later they will become frustrated anyway.



Article source Gallup Organization - Gallup delivers forward-thinking research, analytics, and advice to help leaders solve their most pressing problems.
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