Five steps towards effective delegation of work

Work delegation, namely handing over work to other employees (usually subordinates), is one of the key tasks of a team manager. Unfortunately, it is also an area managers often neglect and as a result it proves quite ineffective. This article will look at how to start delegating work effectively within your team in five steps.


The article was published by the Business Class blog of American Express.

Define what you want to delegate and why

The first step is defining what you want to delegate and, above all, why. Which work do you want to hand over? To what extent will it be delegated and who will be responsible for the result? What is the reason for delegating work? Do you have too much on your hands or do you want experts in the given field to handle individual tasks?

Define the plan and strategy of work delegation

You also need to define how the work delegation will take place. Define communication channels, determine clearly the point at which the new person is responsible for the delegated work, and what information the individual stakeholders in this process must provide to one another.

Decide who will be part of the delegation

Define all the people involved. Who will approve the delegation, who will be the decision-maker, who will delegate the work, who will be working on the tasks and who will oversee the whole process?

Determine goals

An important item that must be defined but is often neglected by many managers is specifying the actual aim of the work delegation and the required results. Ideally, define these goals in an exact and measurable way so that everybody knows what is expected of them and what represents an ideal outcome.

Monitor work delegation regularly and provide feedback

Once you have set up and started the process, you need to check on it regularly. Find out if the system you have come up with is functional or requires any further changes. You should provide feedback to all the participants and also receive feedback from them, so that you have all the relevant data to evaluate how functional the overall process is.



Article source Business Class blog American Express - U.S. website and community of small entrepreneurs
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